arms are canting. The
family is of Norwegian
origin going back to
Viking times with the
name having various
spellings with the most
common perhaps being
Wedvik or Vedvik. In
Norwegian “ved” could
mean wood as in woods or
woodlot and “vik” as the
source of a fjord. Thus
the fir tree stands for
the woods and the shaped
the barry wavy Az. &
Ar. for the source of
the fjord’s waters and
The armiger, Dwyer
Quentin Wedvick, born in
1940 is a graduate of
Darrow School, New
Lebanon, NY and the
University of Nebraska
at Omaha, Omaha, NB,
with a Bachelor’s degree
(BGS). He is the head of
his family and holds the
lands of Jarlsby in the
Orkney Isles of
Scotland. A sometime
Captain in the US Army
he served with and
commanded units in Korea
and Vietnam. Currently,
he is a Lieutenant
Colonel in the Veteran
Corps of Artillery,
State of New York (an
Historic Military
Command est. in 1790)
and with the same rank
is on the New York State
Retired List. The
Armiger is the first
holder of armorial
bearings in the name of
Wedvick and as such
bears the undifferenced
arms as the head of
family. The heritor to
the arms is currently an
heiress, his daughter,
Jessica Fairlamb
Conferral: S. A. R. Don
Carlos de Borbón-Dos
Sicilias y de
Borbón-Parma, Duque de
Calabria, Conde de
Caserta, Infante de
España and first cousin
to the King of Spain,
conferred the Honour of
Knighthood upon the
armiger as a Knight Jure
Sanguinis of the Sacred
and Military
Constantinian Order of
St. George, on 22 May
2009, this event being
recorded in Book 2,
Folio 160, under Number
1267 of the
Constantinian archives.