is no grant of arms in
existence however, the
authenticity and
antiquity of the coat of
arms are certified by
court antiquarian
appraisals on different
items, particularly the
keystone of the ancient
family residence.
arms are believed to
have been assumed no
later than the end of
the XVII century. The
family is an ancient
Burgher family residing
in the outskirts of
Verona, Italy. A note in
the Status Animarum of
the late XVIII – early
XIX century reports that
the family were long
engaged in the trade of
hemp ropes, a lucrative
activity in which the
area has been documented
to excel since a trade
letter of 1342.
are canting arms,
pichi/pighi likely being
a linguistic corruption
from Latin pica (magpie)
or picus (woodpecker)
used to indicate little
birds in general in
medieval times.
At Antonio’s death in
1902, the arms were
inherited and used by
his daughter Angela
Santa, and her brother
Giuseppe Bovaventura.
The arms have been
registered at the
request of Daniele
Scarpi, great grandson
of Antonio Pighi and
grandson of Angela