Vittorio Emanuele,
Vol. 318 at No. 875,
National Central
Library of Rome (
XVIII Century ).
April 1, 2014,
Heraldic College of the
Sacred Military
Constantinian Order of
St. George, Madrid, by
the Grand Master, HRH
the Infante of Spain Don
Carlos of Bourbon Two
Lineage :
a) N.H. Sergio de Mitri
Valier , b. in Genoa,
March 14,1954 , degree
in pharmacy , knight
“Jure Sanguinis” of the
Sacred Military
Constantinian Order of
St George (Alf.), m.
November 26, 1978 N.D
Angela Edvige Segreti,
degree in pharmacy and
had issue:
a1 ) N.D. Cecilia , b.
in Genoa in 1980
a2 ) N.D. Elena , b. in
S.Margherita L. in 1984
a3 ) N.H. Giovanni , b.
in Rapallo in 1987.