American College of
Heraldry on 6 November
1992 under Number
1073. Arms were
Registered by the St.
Andrew Principal
Herald Master of the
Collegium Heraldicum
Russiae under Number
En campo de azur
(azul), una celosía
ecotada, de oro. Va
timbrado el escudo de
armas de un casco de
acero bruñido, con
bordura y grilletas de
oro, claveteado de lo
mismo, forrado de
gules (rojo), sumado
de un burelete
trenzado de azur
(azul) y oro del que
salen lambrequines de
los mismos esmaltes y
sumado a su vez de una
cabeza de satiro,
sanguino, barbado al
natural, orejado con
alas de murciélago, de
azur (azul) y sumado
de una corona de hojas
de olivo, de sinople
(verde). Divisa: En
cinta de plata con
letras de sable
(negro): "MELIOR NULLO
The Arms
were designed by the
Armiger, who worked
with the late
President of The
American College of
Heraldry, Dr. David
Pittman Johnson, to
register same with
that entity. The
Armiger currently
serves as that
Executive Director.
rendering shown here
was originally
depicted (in black and
white) by Marco
Foppoli, and then
digitally colorized
and embellished by the
Armiger. David Robert
Wooten is a member of:
South Carolina Irish
Historical Society;
The Scottish-American
Military Society
[SAMS]; Orders &
Medals Research
Society; Sons of
Confederate Veterans;
Military Order of the
Stars & Bars;
Richard III Society;
The Society of
Heraldic Arts; The
White Lion Society;
The Heraldry Societies
of the UK, Australia,
Scotland, Zimbabwe,
Southern Africa; The
Heraldry Society of
the USA; The Armiger
Society (US); Fellow
of The Royal Society
for the encouragement
of Arts, Manufacture
& Commerce (Royal
Society of Arts)
[FRSA]; Fellow of the
Royal Society for
Antiquaries of Ireland
[FRSAI]; Fellow of the
Society for
Antiquaries (Scotland)
[FSA (Scot)]; The
Bookplate Society. He
is author of "We All
Become Forefathers:
Genealogies of the
Wooten, Boykin,
Whitaker and
Broadhurst Families"
[Higginson Books,
Salem, MA, 1993]; as
well as Specialist
Editor (Heraldry),
"The New Oxford
Dictionary of American
English" [Oxford
University Press,