stable alludes to the
armiger’s name,
originating from the
name of the village of
Stave in Belgium/Namur
province; ethn.:
stabula, meaning
stables. The stars
allude to his
operational career of
thirty seven years with
various European
Institutions. The
Pegasus is for my
experiences with
literature, as a
professor and advocate.
Presently residing in
Belgium and France, the
armiger traces his
ancestry back to Daniel,
father of Gérard, born
1555; he is married to
Danielle Lurquin, Doctor
of Laws and has two
daughters: Laurence and
Lineage: Louis Stavaux a
Knight Commander of the
Order of the Crown(
Belgium), bearer of the
" war cross with palm"(
1940-1945) and the
"medal for resistance"
and Edgarde Nélis.
The armiger was educated
at Brussels University
(Doctor of Laws and
Master in European Laws
( id))and qualified as a
Legal Counsellor on
Armed Conflicts ( the
Royal Military Academy
of Belgium). His career
has path includes Head
of Division with the
European Commission (
ret);- Legal counsellor
on Armed Conflicts of
the Royal Military
Academy of Belgium;
Chair, " Michel Stavaux
Consultants" and
Professor, European
Communication School. He
is a Member of the Royal
Institute of Foreign
Relations of Belgium,
holder of the Laureate
of the Royal Academy for
Language and Literature
of Belgium and author of
a number of publications
including Cheval
d'ivoire ", Gallimard
The arms were granted by
ministerial decree of
the Minister for Culture
of the French Community
of Belgium: signed on
June 16, 2012 and
entering into force on
the date of the
signature. Following a
decision of the Minister
of May 30, 2012
communicated to the
beneficiary on June 8,
2012 under ref 120121822
- taken on the advice of
the Heraldic and
Vexilological Council of
the French Community of
Belgium of September 30,